What is a Circle?

  • It typically will be a group of 5-10 peers who meet regularly to hold discussions pertaining to a shared interest or goals
  • Peer led – while one person typically takes ownership of collecting topics, setting meetings, and facilitating circle sessions as needed, all members should contribute to generating topics and goals, and should consider owning any topics of interest or expertise. 
  • Most circles last between 6 months to 1 year and will meet at least once a month

Three Principles of a Circle

  1. Trust: Confidentiality is key; what comes into the group should stay in the group
  2. Commitment: Be present and commit to attending the circle meetings; eliminate distractions so that you can engage completely with the group
  3. Willingness to Share: Don't be afraid of sharing your own experience; each contribution is valuable to the group as a whole

Connect with a Circle Today!

Share your experiences with others.

Coming Spring 2021

Why Participate?

  1. Encourage meaningful relationships with each other
  2. Expand your network
  3. Increase  access to mentors
  4. Promote career development
  5. Support each other through shared experiences